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High Secure Shopping

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Instant Download With paypal Checkout

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How to order from store

Adding products to the shopping cart is as simple as clicking the “add to cart” button. This button is seen opposite any item in the list of products. It is also present on the product’s personal page that contains its description and pictures and gives customer a chance to rate it and discuss the item with other customers.
Once customer clicks the “add to cart” button, he/she is shown a shopping cart page. Depending on Our store configuration, cart is opened in the core page of the store. customer is simply redirected to shopping cart page when he/she clickes on Back to shopping button.

Checking out
Checkout is performed in 4 steps:
First step: customer is prompted to register or enter login and password to be authorized in the store.
The first checkout step is skipped if customer is already authorized in the store (registered before).

Second step: customer can verify shipping address and choose shipping method:
Opposite the shipping method name is the shipping charge, which is calculated as such:

Third step: billing address verification and payment method selection.
On this step customer verifies billing address and can change it if it is required.
Here customer is prompted to select preferable payment option. A list of available payment options depends on the shipping types selected on the second step of checkout process.

Clicking “Place order!” button sends an email notifications:
• a message with order information to customer;

After the order is saved into database and email notifications are sent, customer is shown “Thank you for your order” page.
On this page customer may receive additional payment instructions if required by payment type selected. For example, if customer selected PayPal payment option, a link “Pay by PayPal now!” will be shown (clicking this link will redirect customer to PayPal server to complete ordering. After you pay successfully, you will receive order activation email after review with 24 hour. Then you can use the download link you get in the message if you ordered downloadable files not CDs

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